Thursday, November 6, 2014

Oz revisited


I think that you are right…
self examination- inside or outside of the therapy room- is excruciating.
But, it is the only way to move forward.
You have to move through the painful memories…
and realize that they are only memories…
figments of our imaginations…
that we maintain, sustain and bestow the power of control over our reactions and behaviors.
I've had good therapy…
it was life altering.
I've had bad therapy…
a waste of my time.
The difference between the two was my attitude…
if I invested myself, trusted the therapist and opened up the results were amazing.
if I didn't have that rapport wight he therapist, it was just an exercise to get through.

A suggestion for your children…
It helps to release the energy trapped from things to scary or threatening to verbalize.
It might be a good beginning…
a little safer than psychotherapy.

I leave for Arizona in 10 days.
I cannot believe that my son has almost completed his walking in the desert.
I was hit with images of the Wizard of Oz yesterday and began to compose him a letter about his own walk on the yellow brick road. His frustration and running that led him to OZ and all of the lessons he's learned, all of the pieces of himself that he has retrieved along the way. He can return to home whole and content and be able to walk forward towards his purpose.

I am concerned though. I know that his return means that I have to guide his school work. I have to make sure that he is keeping up, being diligent, trying hard to succeed. On mOnday husband said it will be so much easier to have him home, because he is worried about staffing issues for the week we are traveling. I got really angry for a minute and pointed out that his return means my time and schedule have to be re-prioritized. That while he worries about work, I have to think about months of cyberschooling and motivating and arranging my schedule to meet his needs. I just don't think husband gets it.

Love and Light
until tomorrow,

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