Friday, October 31, 2014

masks seems, at times, that if you love the work you do, you never need a vacation.You are always being filled, rather than simply drained...

Which leads me to a fascination with the idea of a one way heart.  How does a river flow both ways simultaneously?  That is what I have to learn to understand, so maybe I can use the wisdom in my heart.

I went trick-or-treating tonight. I wore a black dress and flowing long black shirt and a green face.  I didn't have a witchy hat, so I wore a black fedora.  What I really wanted to wear was...I wanted to buy a big brimmed straw gardening hat, paint it black, then decorate it with orange flowers and Haloweeny tricks. But I never got out this week, so that hat lives on on my imagination. Maybe next year!

But I saw a quote that said some people who wear masks all year should relax for Halloween.  I wondered if we let ourselves be seen when we are in costume.  Does our choice reflect who we are?  I was a hippy-witch, really, in flowing linen clothes and mismatched patterned socks that matched the color of my face, and Birkenstocks.   Hippy, yeah...but witch?  A witch - someone who makes things the way she wants, magically.  Or is it the cliche of the ugly old, angry woman who eats children and is alone because she scares everyone away.

I do wear a mask, though.  A friend says I pull on my regal.  I pull myself together, stand up straight and create a psychic distance between myself and people I don't know.  I think I know what she means. I feel like I climb into my tower.

Tonight is the night when the veil is thin. I usually spend time thinking about both grandmothers, and for some reason, cousin D. who died so young...

Hope you are having a Happy Halloween...

Love and such...


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