Monday, October 6, 2014

I'm back


I'm back, minus one son for 7 weeks. I miss him, but not the chaos. I am going to keep this quick because I have to leave for a vet appointment in 5 minutes, but I wanted to acknowledge your presence and thank you for it.

No, you weren't gossiping, unless you were being mean spirited with your words. I cannot imagine you or S#3 being anything but empathetic, as you've both struggled through teen years.  I appreciate the surrounding me with love attitude that you both have. I am still so unclear about what happened and why my son has been called to the southwest…but the universe has a plan and I have delivered him. His shadow and the founder of the program both met my son and then later commented to me that he believes he is there on a vacation- he has no idea what's about to happen to him. I understand completely, because our first time through I had no idea how profoundly life changing it would be…and I am grateful.

Last night we wrote a Seeds of Greatness letter to our son. It was so much fun to replace the hurt of the past weeks with memories that made us laugh and appreciate his spirit. It's a wonderful exercise to begin the process.

What do we do to these kids by socializing them so early? It is a question that should be looked at. There is a fine balance between isolation, enough and exposed to the world.

Love and Light,

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