Monday, September 8, 2014

Seeking Water Stone


As we sat in the Dawn Star Circle we all shared the Anasazi lesson(s) that most touched us. I believe that I read something similar to this, but I shared a dream that I had experienced recently. There was a mountain stream flowing downward over rocks, splashing and moving with vitality. Then there was a turbulent pool surrounded, damned by rocks. Instead of flowing around the rocks the water bounced off of them repeatedly, creating a whirlpool of turbulent waters. My "trail name" was given as Seeking Water Stone. The dream is my choice, I can continue to flow past the rocks, gaining wisdom and insights or I can stagnate and ruminate about the same issues over and over again- creating dysfunction.
That was my big lesson from Anasazi.

There were so others along the way. I realized that I had created alliances within the family in order to make myself the good guy/martyr. It was always couched in the assumption that honesty should prevail- so all of the kids should know what the others are doing. But, the reality was that I used the information to turn sibling against sibling. I have spoken to them about this and apologized.

My son created names for his Dad and I. He named me Nurturing Mountain Spring. Isn't that wonderful? I just love that name.

I'm sorry your youngest grandchild has broken a bone. All of mine broke bones early in life. I remember being on the phone with you when my oldest broke her wrist tipping off my nursing footstool. That's an interesting theory on the reason though. We should do a study.

Yesterday my youngest had a very difficult transition between school and home- again. I think I've written about this before. He leaves school and picks a fight with one of us. We are really trying to implement the Anasazi principles and listen with a heart at peace to him, but he gets so angry because we won't argue with him. He gets himself so frustrated that he's cursing and threatening us- because we won't fight back. I just tell him that I love him, but will not be cursed at, so please don't talk until you've calmed down. It is really rough. He says he wants justice for years of maltreatment at the hands of his brother (teasing, public humiliation), but what he really wants is vengeance. I've asked him to read the difference between the two, but he just laughs at me. Any advice from your Alternatives to violence program?

I took both boys to see my Reiki healer tonight. She pulled me aside after the older one and said, "He is completely different energetically. His future is changed." I need to get in to see her.

That's all for tonight.
Love and Light,

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