Monday, September 15, 2014

go first

Hi Maggie,

I think I was inspired by two things. First was your son identifying why he uses with his counselor.  Second was discussing conflict in the workplace.  It came down to fear of losing one's job or something similar that made people react violently in a professional setting.

I had a moment's clarity when it seemed that if we could identify our fear, and be heard, we would not need to be violent. We would be safe without creating conflict.

Who goes first could be admitting one's vulnerability first.  But it could also be recognizing another's fear, acknowledging it, truly listening to what the person is saying, to recognizing their humanity.  Being the first to give might also lessen the need for violence and conflict.

I understand what you mean about belonging to meeting.  We tracked in about 5 minutes late.  My daughter was wearing cowboy boots.  We had three kids.  People looked up.  And they smiled.  They were truly happy to see us.

I remember reading something once about children who felt loved and accepted.  The single little thing their parents did was to smile when they saw them.  And, it does feel good.  It's so simple, yet so loving and important.

I state that we don't need to reduce our consumption. We need to change our society, our whole culture.  Otherwise our species will not survive.

I channeled truth once...I surprise myself when I hear things I did not plan, did not know that I knew come out of my mouth.  I was with a group of Friends.  We were looking through the bible trying to find advice, directions, statements related to our responsibilities toward this planet.  We couldn't find much - a few lines about stewardship.  Someone speculated that our species could kill the planet. I said that would not happen.  We could severely wound her, but we would actually kill ourselves.  The planet would recover and survive without us.

I still think this is a truth.

I was glad to hear that all is fairly smooth with your children.  Please keep me posted.  I am holding you all in the Light.

And in my heart, with love...


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