Sunday, November 5, 2017


Hi Maggie,

I am glad you are home.  It sounds like you are centered. Being there helps make you strong.

This summer - I don't think either one of us thought we were going to become a couple.  Too many red flags.  And too much of being more like best friends.  All of this anger and meanness is actually a glorious temper tantrum.  There is too much to go into here, but we react differently.  I am expected to be submissive and do whatever I can to make sure he likes me.  It bothers me that the friendship is ending, because we have been talking for about 5 years.  And I appreciate his intelligence and his worldview.  We have had some amazing conversations.  But I would not want to be in love with this guy.  It would be painful.

So I have been stymied on the book...going in circles...not finding way.

Then as I was reading Smithsonian, I got a glimpse.  There is an article,  Theater of War. A man named Bryan Doerries is using the Greek tragedies to create an opening for vets and others to reach that emotional point where healing can begin.

He said,  "Through tragedy, the great Athenian poets were not articulating a pessimistic or fatalistic view of human experience; nor were they bent on filling audiences with despair.  Instead, they were giving voice to timeless human experiences - of suffering and of grief - that, when viewed by a large audience that had shared those experiences, fostered compassion, understanding, and a deeply felt interconnection. Through tragedy, the Greeks faced the darkness of human existence as a community."

I don't want to write about bad things that happened to us, look how screwed up we are.  I want to shine the light in the swamp. Maybe then we can see who all is in their with us, and all help each other out. And then, together, we can shine the light and make sure no one else gets pulled into the muck and believes they deserve to be there.

I saw a headline recently that said that lack of connection is the root of all addiction.  I want to create connection.

So what I am going to do is mine this blog.  I am going to copy/paste some of my writing into Dreams or Aha!  or whatever.  It may help me think about which way to go...

I love you.  I hope you are feeling better and maintaining better...

Love and hugs from Clare

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