Saturday, June 20, 2015


I found a 24 hour Qi cycle chart.  There are different organ systems for each two hours around the clock.  We are asked to think about the times of day we find most difficult, or notice if we regularly wake up at a certain time each night.  I usually wake up at 3:00 - 4:00 am.  That is lung meridian time.  The emotions connected to this time are grief and sadness.

I laughed.

The universe is reassuring me that I am supposed to be working with grief.

I was thinking about grief, about numbing grief with foods, especially.  I got the definite impression that the best way to numb grief is to eat dead food.

I got the image of dead food - the white bread and canned veggies we grew up on - packing the grief down and squishing it out further and further, insulating in until all that was left was a tube through my center so that some things could circulate.

I need to be eating fruits and vegetables and unprocessed grains.  I need to avoid meats...and I think dairy.  And as grief is released - bless it and feel it and let it go.

I have walked every day for the last four days.  I mowed the lawn todat until it started raining.  So my body is moving.  And when I am moving, that is when I encounter grief.

So I'll keep moving...

How are you, little sister??

Love and hugs from Clare

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