Saturday, June 27, 2015

forward motion


What an awe-filled rant…
you had some clarity on the issue of violence…
you are what you eat…
powerful insights.

I was approached by a previous co-worker yesterday…
he was asked to suggest social workers who would be able to read professional complaints made to the licensing board and render an opinion…
at first I thought, no, that's going to the dark side…
but with further reflection I considered the fact that I am able to see circumstances from multiple viewpoints and spend time reflecting…
I might offer a uniquely humane voice for both sides.
I agreed that he could submit my name…
we shall see what comes of it.

During the course of our conversation he mentioned that their board president is a PsyD with a focus on inter-personal violence. I mentioned that is a particular interest of mine and asked if he could broker a meeting. I have no idea why, but I feel like I should meet and talk with her. He also asked if I would submit my CE presentation on adversity's bodily effects at their conference in October. It was a good phone call.

My youngest is on the "mood roller coaster" again.
He is happy until an obstacle arises and then he over-reacts to it.
We have seen the reiki healer and therapist this week…
and still he is sullen.
I am taking him zip-lining on wednesday that should help to balance him.

I ordered two book on violence and its effects on the body- one on mental health and the other is called The Body Remembers…I'm moving forward.

I've got to run to a yoga class.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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