Thursday, June 25, 2015


i think you should announce that you are going to arizona.  then sing it loud enough for me to hear at my house.  although you do deserve it, it doesn't matter.  go because you want to.  go because it will be healing.

maybe time alone with your body in arizona is the key to healing - at least a little bit more.

it's interesting that you are feeling led to do a book/course/textbook about violence.  i definitely got the message that i have to write about violation.  so i started a document that i hope will grow into a pendle hill pamphlet.

we'll see.

you mentioned violence and the biology of adversity.  i have been thinking about something, so i'll throw it out here.  i was noting the news about the recent shooting in south carolina.  i was considering the ways racism is instilled into us.  the generations of violence - does that change physiology?  is this systematic/systemic caste system violence the cause of mental illness?  is racism a mental illness.

i know it is not spontaneous like schizophrenia.  but is it anything like depression resulting from growing up in an abusive situation?

the ramifications are interesting.  what is all outspokenly racist individuals   had to be treated?  would the stigma reduce incidence?

my arms are getting tired.  so is the rest of me,,,

love and hugs from clare

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