Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mid-night ragings

Good morning Maggie,

I'm working today, but no alarm this morning.  That always makes my day so much nicer.  And the dog waited until almost 6:30 before asking to go outside.

Up a lot last night thinking about violence.  In the dark of night, thoughts flow freely. It's so hard to lasso them and put words on them once I leave the bed.

I was having strange thoughts, like,  "You are what you eat."  I thought about industrial and images I have seen of pigs in cages where they can not move - ever.  They can not move ever.  They can only be pregnant, deliver and nurse their offspring...from one position.  I hate these photos.  They hurt my heart.  I have seen photos of chicken smashed into cages, piled on top of each other, dropping feces on those below.  They also can not move.  I watched a video of a silent woman holding cards, sharing the message one at a's a popular, and sometimes effective technique on social media.  She was telling a story of having her baby taken away at birth...then they showed a man hauling a newborn calf away from it's confined mother by its back leg.

Someone responded rudely and asked what the f*** was wrong with her.  Why was she using silence.  She said it was because the cow can not speak.  She wanted to share that.  The person responded angrily.  And I understood how much that person's heart hurt seeing an infant treated like trash.  We know it will go to the torture of the veal pen...a short, pain-filled life so someone could eat tender meat.  It's tender because the animals was sickly...We are what we eat.

What has hapened to so harden our hearts?

How did all life become objectified...not just human women, but all life...plants, animals, us...

We are what we eat.  We feed on this pain, these animals who live short, tortured lives to provide cheap meat for us. Then we absorb this - this essence of slavery.

And on another note - I read that if our generous government stopped giving subsidies to big ag, we would not be getting cheap meat.  It would actually cost four times more than organic foods.  So we are paying, with our taxes - we are supporting this pain that then feeds us.

What I saw with the pigs, with the cows - it is no different than human women being forced to carry and raise their rapist's child.  There is no difference whatsoever.  By forcing this, we are being carefully marched, baby step by baby step, to the same lives as our sisters in other skin.

And the plants are not free.  The poisons that are dumped on them - the herbicides that kill most, but spare what humans see as valuable...sort of like incarcerating mostly poor and people of color.  Genetic engineering goes a whole 'nother step...

And's happening. We are a crop.  Monocultures are bring created - humans, cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, dogs...and the others - the bear, the wolf, the butterflies and song birds are being poisoned and systematically removed. They are not of economic importance.  In our short-sighted way though, destroying "pest" insects also destroys the pollinators.  Maybe why most of the GMO crops are wind-pollinated.  It doesn't matter so much that we wiped out our bees.

And does taking antibiotic, which wipes out our internal flora, create a monoculture inside of us? How does that change us???

I was actually wondering if there were any true, free humans left.  I think there are remnants of indigenous folk, but for the them the slow motion, almost invisible genocide continues.

How do we return to wild? Eating wild foods, maybe.  Disentagling us from this industrialized slavery.

Because we are also slaves.  If one does not work, one does not deserve a safe place to sleep.  If we do work, we have to do as told, as much as told, in order to maintain the job.  We don't own property.  If something is yours, it can not be taken away from you.  If you do not pay taxes, the government seizes your property.  It is not truly yours.  We are stewards for the true owners - the government. The same with your car.  If it can be seized, it is not yours...

We are at the mercy of those in power, who grant mercy - safety, food, water - and now some see the internet as a human right - as long as we keep feeding them the ultimate invention - money!!  I am troubled by this view of internet as a human right.  We pay to use the internet.  We are slowly sliding to the belief that we have to pay for human rights - insanity.  Same with water...I think that everytime we buy bottled water, we are agreeing that water can be bought and sold - therefore it can be privatized, and Nestle can own it and sell it away from us - sell it to the highest bidder.

And just before I "woke up" I started wondering why the-powers-that-be are so intent on draining every last drop of petroleum out of the planet...what is that about?

So I am in rare form for work today!

Hope you enjoy this cold, raining weekend. I think I will make cherry jam.

Love and hugs from Clare

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