Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Patience is a virtue


I like the idea of placing the pictures side by side…
it connects the generations.
We should be willing to let others help us…
they are not just paying you back for your parenting…
it is also a way to pay it forward.

My computer has been freezing up on me…
sorry, I sit down to blog and it won't do anything…
I have to force a quit to turn it off.
I ran my anti-virus so it should be good now.

I saw my reiki healer yesterday…
my 'belt meridian' was almost completely severed…
I've been experiencing heartburn and constipation…
along with lack of energy and motivation.
She 'stitched' me back together…
I've been consciously trying to breathe deep into my belly today…
to consciously connect my upper and lower body.

We had an interesting discussion about the 'after-life'…
it helped to clarify it for me.
I told her that I believe this is my last lifetime…
she said "no, you've got one more to come"…
"but it will be a very cerebral life and you'll be surrounded by beings like you."

I have to commit to a healthier diet, water, exercise…
I start and stop all of the time…
right now it's Easter candy and ice cream in the house…
I've got to send it out of here so that it stops 'calling my name'…
I sent an email to a local yoga studio asking about classes that would be appropriate for me…
I've gotten most of my range of motion in my arms…
but my strength, especially in my shoulders, is not good.
I hope they respond soon.
I am looking forward to yoga, caring for horses, walking the dogs and gardening.

As the snow melted I have green shoots and leaves erupting from my bulbs underneath.
It was like magic.
I have a few flowers blooming today…
it is a good time to come back to life.

I'm still feeling as if I'm in a prolonged expiration…
seriously anticipating that inspiration…
any time now.
I know…patience is a virtue.

Until tomorrow,
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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