Tuesday, April 21, 2015

oh my soul

I understand tired, my sister. And I wish you had an easier time. You still have not really had a chance to recover from everything that happened to you last year.  You need some down time...real down time.

If you are like spaghetti, maybe you can comb out the crap - those little bits of debris from the past that irritate.

You know, I remember being a teenager.  Everything was so dramatic.  The highs were so high.  The lows were so absolutely low.  I didn't know it would balance.  I didn't know the extremes would not be quite so...extreme.  Now I know it's so much easier to keep my balance when my emotions are not so frenetic.

I think it's wonderful that your beach house is turning into a sisters' retreat house.  Multi-generationally!! 

The laws concerning child care are intrusive. And they create artificial circumstances and artificial interactions between the generations.  A lot of it is not authentic, nor very effective.  We have to do something, but letting fear direct us is crazy...

And obedience usually strikes me as wrong...

Talking to my oldest son about going out to visit and watch the kids again this summer.  I do miss them...

I've been reading Natural Grace, and am entranced by the idea that my body is in my soul - my body is a tool or an instrument.  It makes me so much bigger in a way. I like the way it feels.  And I'm still trying to find my mother-self. Once I find me, I have to figure out how to empower myself, to be a powerful feminine being.

Meeting tonight, then I jump into organizing part of the kid's program for the spring gathering. 

I think it's the weather, maybe the lack of Vitamin D or maybe unstimulated glands in the brain, but getting enthused about anything is a tad difficult these days...

But we keep chugging ahead, knowing it will be okay...It will get better.

Love and hugs,


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