Saturday, January 19, 2013


I'm not debating Darwin's theory.  I understand it is about adaptability.  I am trying to verbalize my perspective that we were taught Darwin's theory in such a way as to convince us it is survival of the fittest - that the most competitive is truly the strongest and the one that will survive to propagate. 

This theory was twisted to make us believe that some deserve more than others simply because they are stronger.  We learned to be quiet, accepting, knowing we aren't the best, brightest, strongest, or even deserving.  The theory has been twisted to glorify competition and hoarding.  We are taught that these people, people who do not know how to share (somehow they were exempt from kindergarten, or more likely, already damaged by the time they got there...) and who have no compassion are the pinnacle of humanity.  They are held up as icons.

I think they are not the best for this environment, but they have so much power, they control the environment to support them.  And we are blind, raised to believe and accept.  That is why we don't say anything when we are raped.  In our family we learned silence and acquiescence early.  Actually we may be the more flexible, those with the ability to adapt - because we survived.  We may not be whole, but we are still here and functioning.

Where we are headed as a society...I think we have two choices.  We can continue to be owned by the current culture - which is not our society.  Fear limits our behavior and decisions, and so it is not true community.  Or we can love.  The land is being tortured, but I can love this land.  I can make sure no one poisons this land.  I can love this neighbor, this child, this wren, this puppy.  And it will --- go viral.  Love is contagious.

I laid in bed this morning thinking about my hard spots.  I want to be warm and welcoming, but I get trapped in my circling thoughts and can't get out and be available and welcoming sometimes.  I need a good role model for loving.  I have two women friends who are like I want to be.  And so I am cultivating that...I think.

Trying to change...trying to be adaptable!

Ooey, gooey love to you my sister!


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