Friday, February 7, 2014

Self- exploration is uncomfortable


I find it very interesting that you switched those uncomfortable, self-exploratory questions into service to others questions.
How did you help someone else……?

Why are we most comfortable focusing on others' needs instead of our own?
It is easy to pour ourselves out, without measure, to those around us who seem to need all that we can give. But, that leaves us empty and unable to nurture and nourish ourselves.
Is this mommy-guilt?
Is it residual catholic guilt?
Is it an American work ethic?
Or, is it the battle cry of the abused…
Let's take on the weight of the world so that we don't have time or energy to deal with our own shit?
Sorry…I'm on a rant.

Thank you  for the invitation to tea, but, with the current circumstances in my house, and our short get-away coming up, I think husband would freak if I said I was going on another road trip. Not only that I need to be present, here, no matter how ornery my sons act. They need to know that they cannot stop my loving them…even if they call names and say hurtful things.

Son#1 is officially un-grounded today. He finally stayed home and clean long enough to fulfill his punishment. I just hope that he is smart enough to stay clean and make good choices.

I have to run some errands.
Love and Light,

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