Friday, February 14, 2014

Dispair is contagious

I, too, have a very soft spot for animals, and people in need. I feel an almost immediate connection with animals, even in pictures. I think, if I was living alone, I would rescue a lot more animals than I already own. But husband keeps that balanced.

So, four horses, two dogs and three cats is where I am at for the moment.

I was appalled when I read about the euthanized giraffe, but generally do not let myself think about all of the other domesticated animals that are euthanized each day, because they were cute as puppies and kittens, but not as endearing as adults. I still remember our father's words that killing our cat was more humane than letting her carry a pregnancy to term without back legs…I hate those words.

I was racing about the world water scarcity…and found a silver lining…China doesn't have enough potable water to be able to frack. They are being held back due to scarce resources. The fact that they have to import water from the US and elsewhere just for drinking is a tragedy on it's own…and we are selling them the great lakes' water. This world's use of natural resources really is unbelievable…it's a bunch of bad, band-aid solutions…instead of thorough planning and thoughtful consideration of enough for all.

I give the environmentalists a lot of credit…it seems hopeless to me…what can be done to reverse this trend? The answer in my mind is that man (universal) has to be eliminated…through natural selection…and within 10, 000 years, or so, a different species will dominate…hopefully one that is brighter and less ego-centric and profit-driven than we are.

I am in despair now too…
Where to start…
individually- Be the change you wish to see
as small groups and communities…
as states and nationally…
or globally?
Or all of the above?

What am I doing? I still drive way too  much. I have too large a carbon footprint…but smaller than most of my friends. I need to do more.
But, what does that look like?

I was just thinking of my daughter's dance marathon next weekend…
wouldn't it be nice if we didn't pollute water, soil, air and food…so that SO many kids didn't develop cancer? Isn't prevention the way to go? Support and intervention are incredibly important, but…what if cancer didn't affect so many.

Also, what about the malaria and dengue fever and AIDS and other vector-borne diseases that kill more kids than cancer does…those are on the rise because of our exploitation of the resources and destruction of habitats…and climate zones…shouldn't we be dancing for them as well? But, most of them are in some far off land, like Africa, out of sight, out of mind.

I am on a roll and my mind is swirling.
I hope that the weather doesn't ruin your tea-party this weekend.

Love and Light,

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