Sunday, February 9, 2014

A stream of ideas

I am thinking on paper here…not sure where this is going.

There is an innate violence in animals.

In the animal kingdom there is a fight for dominance…
if one male replaces the alpha male of a herd/pride/etc…
he will kill all of the young in order to reproduce his own offspring.

In the past, within evolution, a single male dominated multiple females…this was the rule until the females grew to comparable sizes…
now they are monogamous…
or expected to be.
Females expected the males to protect and provide for them….
which translates into using physical force to keep predators away.
Women are still most attracted to the strong, large, alpha males.
I watch my kids' friends and see who the young girls are pursuing…
the football hero…
the biggest, strongest, fastest…
or the first to hit puberty…develop facial hair, fill out with muscle, deepening voice.
It isn't until women get a little older that they look for the brightest males as well.

I think of those two facts and then about intimate partner violence.
Perhaps we do have a genetic program…
that sets humans up for gender roles. (I believe that this is changing.)
I have trouble understanding women who allow themselves to be dominated…
but some women feel most comfortable in a relationship of domination.
While they are frightened by the violence…
they return to it time and time again.
There has to be some genetic or innate drive for that.
The violence is handed down, generation by generation…
learned from our wounded caregivers.
But the need to defend, protect, acquire runs deep.

I think the future depends upon women…
as mothers of sons…
and partners.
It will be our choices and influences that change the future.
Once we stop preferring violence and domination, men will adapt…
adapt or perish without passing along their genes…
which is the primary biological drive.

I am not sure if any of this makes any sense. I am writing with the Olympics on, dogs barking to go in and out, and other, occasional interruptions.
Don't take any of this as set…it is just a stream of ideas.

I will sort this out tomorrow.
Love and Light,

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