Friday, February 5, 2016

from connected hearts


As I was watching the video about the little boy who was separated from his mother, I had a visceral reaction-tightening in my stomach- and remembered that dad left when I was very young. I have been told that prior to his extended trip to Germany, he would feed me, and I enjoyed his caring. Of course I don't remember any of this first hand, but the sense of loss and lack of attachment went directly to him, not Mom as I would have expected.

I am finishing the old job next week, Thursday, and beginning the new job next week also. I'm only seeing a few clients in the mornings, so I'm going to go into the office and start to settle in. I am attending a health fair next saturday with the executive director which is a great opportunity to meet people and network. I may be going to Atlanta in April for a conference with the director also. I'm really excited.

We had a wicked night last evening. My youngest LOST it…he told us a story of a young man at his school who raped a drunk girl over the weekend…and he was filled with rage.
He was so angry that he punched a hole in his bedroom door. About midnight he had to walk…he went for a 3 mile walk at midnight. I state up and drove to pick him up about 30 minutes later. He is so upset. I was talking to my older son about this this afternoon and he became enraged, telling me about a guy who raped a drunk girl at senior week.
I'm sick…
I know it happens…
but I'm sick to death of the violence.
I am relieved that my men are so opposed to this…
that they understand the violation…
but their response is one of further violence…
beating the other young man up, instead of getting them help.
I am going to quietly speak to the principal of the school and ask her to listen to the buzz around school…
perhaps once she is attuned she will discover who this person is.
And then, maybe, he will get some help.

This whole question of violence is so slimy, unsettling, grotesque.
I've had it.
What can be done?
"Be the change you wish to see"???
is it simply an individual pursuit?
is it something that only springs forth from an individual heart?
I think it springs forth from connected hearts…
each one opening to see the humanity and dignity of the other.

I'm exhausted…
not much sleep here last night.
Tomorrow is foster parent training classes…that could be a long day.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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