Thursday, February 14, 2013

ruminating over the meanings

I am still intrigued by the straws...controlling, allowing only a small amount of the joy to trickle down...very much like "trickle down economics" only small amounts actually make it to the lowest levels.

I believe that you (and your friend) are correct...we need to create a gifting in which scarcity isn't the main motivator. I truly believe there is abundance in this world...and if we rightly share and care for each other and the earth there is and will be enough.
The hurdle though is convincing others that there is enough to share...that the universe is abundant and that we won't starve or be hurt if we share our food, talents, gifts, love with each other...even those outside of our 'clans'.
By sharing our stuff we also share our concern which could expand our sense of "us and them".
The concept is huge and a game changer...unfortunately humans are driven by habit and habits are hard to break.

So what do you think about the cosmic DJ and his matter of fact answer to your question, "Do you know what you're doing?"?
What a great dream...

Today I re-read the analyses of my manuscript and was able to see the constructive comments, hopefully meant to guide me to a better work. I will take time during the first week in March (spring break) to make revisions and see what happens. I was telling my mentor about the rejection letter last night, she told me she has a filing drawer full of rejections...don't give up. She is fabulous.

I love you...
Happy Valentine's Day,

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