Monday, February 4, 2013

My soul is crying tonight

I was working on the computer working last night, just taking in glimpses of the Superbowl. We took the boys snowboarding all day and I had to catch up on my work.

My soul is crying today. At my internship the discussion of the day revolved around a Turkish movie called is about "honor killings". It seems that in Turkey, and other countries if a woman (girls) bring dishonor upon their families they are killed to restore the honor. I didn't watch the film but was told that one of the stories was about a young woman who was intentionally raped by an adversary of her father. This rape brought dishonor to her family and they had to kill her to restore family honor. Despite the fact that they were hurting themselves and so buying into the revenge plot of the adversary they were too bound by "honor" to see an alternative.

Then I got home and found an email sent asking me to sign a petition. I forwarded it to you. A 16 year old girl in Ohio was drugged and raped repeatedly last summer by the football team, in multiple locations, and with people taking pictures and tweeting, and recording the events...laughing and joking about the cruelty. The petition is to push authorities to prosecute the assailants as well as those who did nothing but record it and send it over their phones.

What the hell is the matter with our world?
Why can people forget that a young girl is being torn apart by their sexual attack?
Why can't we see that of God within every person?
I feel as if I am back at Good Friday Mass and being forced to say, "crucify him" over and over...
doing it because everyone else was saying it and because that's what I was supposed to do...
When are we, as a species, going to wake up to respect?
Respect of our earth, respect of others and respect of ourselves...

I am sad, deep into my soul tonight...

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