Tuesday, December 29, 2015

lotuses...loti...lotta loti

Hey Maggie,

I am with you. My soul is with your soul.  My heart is with your heart. I am holding both you and your client in the Light.  I hope all goes as it should. I hope she opens to a reason to live.

I appreciate your husband's care in making sure as many pieces are in place as possible, but the point is to get to the point where we take a step forward in faith. Faith, by my definition, means we don;t know, but we do it anyway.  The best things are never the easiest things.  But we are given the tools and materials we need, as long as we keep eyes and hearts open.

I understand that another rejection will cause soul trauma.  I understand that the answer is love. I'm back in the green chakra - love is faith...trusting that you are on the right path with the right people and the right lessons. Love and trust and listen.  Those are your best tools.

I didn't know you had your coffee meeting, or that an offer came out of it or that there were big changes sliding over your horizon. Details- I need details!!

I was looking at photos of lotuses.  These are not simple flowers.  There are layers of beauty.  And the lowest petals arch back, to hold the body above the swamp.

And I thought of two women I know...both are older, both are powerfully psychic, both came from horrible situations of abuse, both are estranged from their own children.  I actually stopped to wonder if abuse is part of the formula for creating psychic gifts...But both grew up in a swamp...One remembers  her father holding her hand against a hot woodstove.  The other witnessed her mother killing her little sister. She was raised in foster homes - never belonging anywhere. One was raped at knifepoint by her sister's boyfriend - one more unprotected girl in this world.

Most of the psychic men I know struggle with alcoholism...

Gifts of the swamp...

Had a strange thought earlier today. I was thinking about B#2, and suddenly Pop popped into my head.  I asked him to assume responsibility for B#2. After all, he raped our father who then raped his sons.  That is the core of the pain and suffering B#2 is existing in...Tonight, while meditating, I am going to see if I can ask Pop to do this for the family.

I was talking to a healer Friend, whom I don't know too well yet, about my middle of the night adventures.  This person did  some time at Pendle Hill, at the same time as another Friend who was working with ancestors.  I have been put in social media connection with the ancestor understander!!

We'll see what happens next...

Love and hugs and compassion and joyful expectation of good news about your client...


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