Wednesday, December 9, 2015

be open

Hi Maggie,

Today we washed windows - me and my obstinate toddler companion who absolutely knows she can to get her own vinegar.  We now have vinegar everywhere. She is getting feisty.  I'm glad.  I remember once, at a friend's home, when my oldest was about the same age,  and she was not taking any flak from the boys.  I was a little surprised.  I wanted to be the Mama with the "nice" kids. My friend was watching, and said, "I like it when little girls are feisty."  She gave me new Mama-eyes.

Feisty can be a pain in the backside, but I like feisty!

I was "chatting" with S#5 last night. She said she likes Christmas better now that her son has grown up. She likes having the freedom to go enjoy the decorations, the music.  I started the conversation by mentioning that I got some decorations out yesterday to try to muster some Christmas spirit.

I started thinking that I don't like much of anything more without the kids.  But I am in my empty nest. The only "little one" I have is Nephew, and he is always at his girlfriend's house. So I'm basically alone with the critters.

I like alone.  A lot.

But, I started wondering if I would have more Christmas spirit if I were married. And I started to cry.

There's an answer.

Then I talked to a man today, who also has five kids, and he asked me some personal questions.  He said I'm still living the mother's life. And that's not enough.

He left me with one bit of wisdom, which he repeated several times. He said, "Be open."

I told him that I was taking that as a channeled message from Spirit.

No matter what - Christmas comes!

Love and hugs Little Sister!


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