Sunday, December 8, 2013

Wintery day

I like you description of your weekend, grandchildren and family gathered…sharing time…creating cookies and memories.

I just asked my older son if he recalled when he learned that Santa was not real…he cannot remember…but said it was a relief because he used to worry about a strange man entering our house in the middle of the night…I think my neurotic fears must have seeped into my kids' minds.

I am enjoying a wintery day…snow outside and nowhere to go. I made pancakes for dinner…my boys were thrilled…one like chocolate chip pancakes the other likes pancakes and bacon…both were quite satisfied. That was probably the best meal we've shared in a long time…everyone ate well.

Last night was tough…as I went to bed I realized I hadn't heard from daughter#2 all day…she was not answering text messages or phone calls…of course my imagination was running at full speed. I couldn't sleep…about 1:30 my dog had a seizure…I was not soundly sleeping so I jumped up to sit with her through it. As she came out of it she was so grateful that she wagged her tail…which was urine soaked from the incontinence…I ended up with a face full of urine and had to wash my face…and her…and the floor. I finally settled back into bed and daughter #2 texted that her phone battery had died and she was fine…it was 2:30 at that point, but at least I could sleep after that. I know everyone has times when they anticipate the worst…but rationally I knew she was OK…but the irrational part kept my imagination rolling through a variety of possible scenarios…all of which were disturbing.

I am ready for bed tonight…hopefully the boys will head up soon…they are acting tired. I am also hoping for a 2 hour delay in the morning for both the high school and the university…then we can all get a few extra hours of sleep. I love snow days…unexpected days off are such a gift.

I had to tell people at my Meeting that I would not be there for the Christmas Tea this year…we share our gifts before Meeting for Worship and then share food afterward. I have sung something each year since I first attended…I was pleasantly surprised when people expressed disappointment that I wouldn't be singing…I guess they do notice what I do….sometimes I think I am invisible.

Stay warm…and peaceful.
Love and Light,

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