Tuesday, November 5, 2013



You are a beautiful woman. You have always been attractive but I think that now, in middle age you have a sense of dignity about you. It's quiet and reserved, but easily recognized. In your youth it was more a rebellious trait, trying hard to be different. But now, it is just you. You have a physical beauty that many would envy, because it is very natural...wholesome. It isn't contrived or painted on. You are growing into yourself everyday.

I remember Mom telling me to enjoy being thin after I had lost some weight in my twenties. I still thought that I was fat, but was wearing a size six, and she told me to enjoy the body that I was in rather than trying to strip more of it away. I love that sentiment. But, every time I have lost weight in my life she tells me how good it makes me look...so the message is a resounding thinner is better. I remember her yoyo dieting, up and down probably the same 25 pounds that I gain and lose. What a way to spend a life.

Why aren't we ever satisfied?

It's the shame thing...never pretty enough, thin, enough, smart enough...and on and on it goes.
                                                    I AM ENOUGH!
I need to tattoo that on my wrist or somewhere that I can see it and remind myself of it often.

I am off and running.
I can't wai to find a few minutes later to listen to that song. Thanks for sharing it.
I will hold your friend in the Light.

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