Sunday, November 17, 2013

A great weekend

Wouldn't it be great if we all developed our talents and gifts for the benefit of the community and not to benefit ourselves? It would be a truly living 'offertory'.

I have treated my music the way that you treat your herbs. I give my CD's away for free and used to sing funerals for free, it was my service. Full disclosure - I charged for weddings because they are such a pain in the ass.

I love to offer service to others, but then get caught up in the expectation that they will reciprocate or at least appreciate. That, unfortunately, is too much to ask for. I know, in my head, that once the deed is done it is no longer mine to control. The manner in which people receive it is totally up to them, but I still hope for the 'correct''s kind of like you judging your gift response as wrong many years ago.
My daughter#2 is very disappointed because no one from the community theater where she acts and helps out came to her show at the university. Despite being less than 5 miles away no one came out to see her work or support her. She is struggling because she has done so much for them and has the expectation that they are connected enough to make the effort to come out for a few hours. It is a very hard lesson to learn.

I gave my Intro to Quakerism talk today. I couldn't get the PowerPoint to open so I had to improvise until Greg was able to open it. Then we couldn't project it onto the screen. It really didn't matter though. I just spoke from my heart. I had them begin in silence to center and get a flavor of Worship. I was grateful that you mentioned 2 things that you discuss when you talk about Quakerism: there is that of God in all beings and continued revelation through the inner Light. I was able to see my quotes when I got to that point, which helped me. I had to try very hard to read the words to convey the essence and feeling that I felt the first time I read them. I hope that I did them justice.

As I was reading them and speaking about their meaning I was so struck by how overlapping they are. I was reading one about integrity and it would have been very appropriate for peace...I came back the idea that there is that of God in all beings many times this morning. It is powerful. I felt re-convinced after speaking today.

I spent hours outside yesterday cleaning up my gardens. I cut all of my perennials off in the fall and it is tough work. My back and thighs are very sore today...but it was so wonderful being outside and enjoying the mild November was in the 60's and sunny all day.
I made carrot soup for dinner and baked sweet was a perfect day.

I hope that you have had a great weekend with your grandchildren. I will check in tomorrow.
Love and Light,

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