Sunday, November 13, 2016


Hi Maggie,

So Leonard Cohen is gone, and now Leon Russel. I loved listening to him in high school. I have him on in the background..."When my life is over, and we remember our time together..."  He spent time with so many of us...

I spent lots of time outside today. It finally feels like I can breathe deeply.

I didn't prune my privet last year. My son left his loppers here for me this morning when he picked up his kids.  Remember when I was in high school, and you and the girls were young, and Dad asked me to cut everyone's hair...and I did? Yeah, that's kind of what my privet looks like now. 

Later this week, I have to go after the wild roses and wild raspberries.

I have been thinking about this world, and how we are about to change, and what we can do...

Everyone is sporting safety pins now...indicating that we are each a safe person to come to if being abused or bullied.  Is it just a cool symbol, or will we actually begin to speak up? If we don't actually speak up, we are going down.  I see so much fear on the social media.  And it is warranted.

Am I brave enough to speak up?  I don't know.  But I do think I am brave enough to silently stand with someone, to make a statement that they are not alone.

So many people are focused on this, that we are possibly overlooking my greatest fear...

The new leadership wants to go back to clean coal...mountaintop removal breaks my heart...and to emphasize fossil fuels, to develop every avenue possible.

I read on social media, in an article about the Dakota Access Pipeline, that Trump is invested in the company that is pushing the pipeline. Will this be conflict of interest? Or politics as usual, but so in our faces that we really have to try hard to not see it?

What can we do? My first step is to redouble my efforts not to use plastic.  It is the easiest way I can think of to cut my use of fossil fuels.  Not driving does have some moral benefits...

I don't understand why people don't understand...we can live without is difficult, not fun, but doable...but we can not, absolutely not, survive without clean water. what...???

At least our souls are starting to breathe again!

Love and hugs from Clare

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