Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's not easy being green

Hi Honey!

I went down to the lake today. I always feel so much better after I have been there.  The whole world seems like a better place.

I'm passionate about the lake. I love the lake. Today it was like a mirror.

I am passionate about the plants, herbal healing.  I am passionate about my children and grandchildren...what else? I'm not sure.

I get into passionate political discussion.  I passionately believe it is possible to create a better world...easily.  We just have to open our eyes, and our hears and stop being afraid.

I think we do have to open ourselves and let the energy flow through each chakra.  And I think we each have different areas of damage.  We have to work on those personally and lovingly.

But I really think we have a serious breach in the channel, affecting almost every human on Earth today.  I think we are in a great period of evolution, going through a big change together.

And I think that change has to do with opening way between yellow and green chakra, then getting into our green chakras to live for the next period of time - until we are ready to evolve again.

Does this make sense?

We are living in a mess because we are trapped in our yellow chakras, as a species.  We rely on will.  We do not have faith.  We are afraid to passionately love...with detachment, I suppose.

That's why I keep returning to the green chakra.  It's where our focus should be, where our lessons are.  It is where we are   going right now...

I don't know if I told you my kitten story yet...Do you know I have a new baby? My youngest was working when two young girls came to the reception desk in the hotel. They found a tiny kitten in the parking lot - too young to be away from its mother. They couldn't find the mother or an owner, so they brought it in. After much discussion, my daughter announced that she would take it to her mother.

She came to pick up her baby. I was sleeping. She said, "Mom. I need you to wake up.  And sit up."


"Don't be mad..." then she deposited a tiny bit of butterscotch fluff in my hands.  

Luckily, she was old enough to eat dried food. And once we agreed that she was not going to be allowed to nurse on my earlobes - we have been fine. My older cat turned her back on me and refused to talk to me for about three days.

This all happened about a week before I left to visit my son.While I was gone, nephew said the kitten hid all the time.  Nephew would sit in the middle of my office floor every day and wait for the kitten to come out, just so she would be handled daily. The night before I returned,  she finally went up and slept with Nephew and the other dogs. Once I returned though, she was back with me.

So, that's the news from the lake where all the dogs are good loking and all the cats are above average...

Hugs from Clare

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