Wednesday, September 30, 2015

As long as I can

Hi Maggie,

My prayer was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but it was also in earnest.  I did pray that prayer frequently, especially for my sons.

Raising kids is somewhat like birthing them...two steps forward, one step back. But eventually, they do it. They get ripe and ready to be part of the world.  They get to be passionate about something, and go find themselves.

I would love to read the books you have been reading.  I would really appreciate it.

I read an article about the things Apple and other tech producers don't want us to know.  They are hiding child miners, and suicide fences in their factories...I have been thinking about slavery - a lot.  And something started niggling in the back of my mind.

A group of young Friends wrote and produced a time travel play, where they went back to visit John Woolman.  He first refused to write a bill of sale for a slave, and his life and commitment went deeper from there.  He eventually decided that he would not buy anything produced by slaves.

This led to the Free Produce Movement.  And that led to the establishment of a  store with goods only produced by free people.

For some reason this is resonating with me now.

So I looked at various computers - desk-top and laptop.  Desk-tops are more ethical, but the best rates only 12.5 out of 20.  It is frightening, but the best we can do is buy a product that is not as bad as the others.

Do I have to get rid of my computer?  If I do, I have to find a different way to support myself. Is that doable, or am I also a slave to this system...this system where if one does not work, one may not eat or have a place to sleep...not with any dignity.

Everyone has a phone - well, everyone except me and my son.  But we both have computers in our houses.

So what do we do?

I know one powerful move would be to refuse to line up for the latest Apple release...And make your electronics last as long as possible.  Don't keep buying.

Our electric was out for about two hours in the middle of the night last night.  As a result, the internet was down until someone came and reset something.  Mornings like this I am reminded how much I rely on the internet simply being available.  And how irritating and blocking it is to not have it when I need it.  I need it for work.  Tonight the electricity was out again.

I lived without electricity for ten years. I liked it.  I was proud of it. But tonight, I wandered - just a little bit lost without the connection.  I guess the internet is just one more addiction!  I finally got some candles and two books, and relaxed.  Then I realized how tired I was.

But I can't go to bed unless my alarm clock is set for 5:00 am.  If I am not sure, I wake up about every 30 minutes all night long.

I read an article years ago wherein people were asked if the internet was a human right.  About 75% of the people, from all around the world, said yes.  That troubled me, because I am very uncomfortable with this movement toward making us pay for anything that is our right.   The privatization of water comes to mind.  Then someone told me that in Scandinavia, the internet is free for everyone, because access to information is a human right!  Our ancestors came from some pretty cool people!

So, I am wrestling with this question of slavery, and the ways I profit from the suffering of others.  As George Fox said to William Penn:  Wear it as long as you can.

Love and hugs from Clare

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