Friday, September 11, 2015

falling upward


So, freedom is detachment, like the Buddhist principle…
I've always been confused by detachment.
I wonder if detachment is from everything…
Can I have true freedom if I love my children desperately?
Do I have to set them free to be truly free?
Do I detach myself from things to the point that I fail to care for them…
or just enough not to cling to them?
I really am confused by this concept.
It is beautiful the way that you describe native american culture…
I just don't know how to process it into my life.

I am starting to read a book called Falling Upward. It's about the two halves of life. The first half is about "building the container"-identity, profession, individuality- the second half is "discovering the contents"- Truths. I haven't really begun reading it, but last night was skimming it. I read a passage about the first half being governed by rules, the second half being governed by conscience. Once you get to a certain point you can break the rules to allow for personal and spiritual growth. It made me think about my move to Quakerism. I have often described it as a maturation of my spirituality- I no longer was served by the rules/dogma of catholicism. I make my own way, led by an internal spiritual compass. I am responsible for my own process. I'm looking forward to digging into this book.

The chili was/is good. There really is no taste or texture of the okra. It has incorporated itself into the other flavors.

Another weekend. It should be beautiful. We have a football game tomorrow afternoon. Despite disliking the game, I enjoy watching my youngest playing to the best of his abilities.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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