Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Observer

RIP Dear Computer...unless resurrection is imminent!!

I hate the concept of being mean to toughen people up.  I  truly believe that providing sanctuary, a safe place of acceptance, leads to resilience.  And that is true "toughness."

It seems maybe taking just the young man, and maintaining close ties with his brother is a good way to start. As long as everyone is comfortable.  What do your kids think?

When my friend failed to see me, I was not upset or hurt. I kind of laughed, inside.  We were in a crowd, people were moving a lot. Everyone was trying to stay out of everyone else's way.  Our friend saw my daughter and hugged her, then had to shift attention to people passing by.  He was about to leave when I caught his eye. 

I had a friend who was Native American.  He said we could become invisible by taking on the vibration of whatever we were in or next to.  If I were standing next to a tree, and I took on the vibration of the tree, people would not notice me.  I felt like I was doing that at festival a little.  Just subduing mysef and going with the flow...

I tend to be a weirdo.

I had another friend, the man who died last year right after Christmas.  He told me there are two kinds of people.  There are turtles who walk close to the Earth and know their home region intimately. Then there are the eagles who move and experience different places and have a broad perspective. He said I am an eagle. I can see the bigger picture, understand the broader perspective.

That appealed to me, just as your comment about having to be outside in order to be an observer. I kind of like that. 

I have  never heard of sling yoga before.  I was taking classes in Svaroopa yoga, using pillows and bolsters to support positions.  I think the sling would be better.  I like your description!

I went to the park today.  I swung on the swings, I went down the big slide and I waded in the lake.  At first I was resenting the time I was losing while my house screamed out for cleaning.  But then I let it go, and enjoyed the lake.  I love the lake so much!!

Hope you had some fun today, too...

Love and hugs,


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