Sunday, July 26, 2015

summer afternoon

Hi Maggie,

My youngest was cleaning up some toys, stood up quickly and banged her head on a breaker door someone left opened.  She became dizzy and nauseous, she had to pull over to throw up. She went to work, but her boss sent her to the ER.  Diagnosis - mild concussion.  She can't work for three days. And I ended up keeping the baby overnight.

So I didn't get things done the way I had hoped. Instead - divine interruptions.

You wondered if Mom and Dad ever considered our safety.  My immediate thought was that they left you with me.  When I was 13, I was given responsibility for the eight of you, ages 12 through 3.  I was in no way ready or capable of being a good care provider.  Add to that my resentment of being told I would do it, rather than asked, or talked through it.  Definitely not wise.

But I suppose when you have 9 kids in 10 years, you can feel desperate to get away.  Any answer is good enough.

But we used to fight while they were gone.  I had a horrible time with B#1. 


I talked to my oldest son, and he told me their computer died. So, I think I will take mine with me. I am wondering if I can get some writing done on the bus.  I have two things I am working on, and I never seem to have time. I am also going to take knitting projects.

It finally seems like summer here.  We are having a warm, humid summer day.  No one is here, and I am at a loss for what todo. There's so much that has to be done, but I also never get to just sit.

So, maybe, just until it's a little cooler...I will sit here and knit and enjoy the silence.

I think you are traveling to the island.  Travel safely.  I'll meet you here, soon.

Love and hugs from Clare

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