Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Kids' behavior can change for so many reasons.  But I think you are a savvy parent to notice when something is different.  And keep in mind, they often won't tell what is bothering them or what happened - if something does happen.  I think we have to expect the best, but be aware.

It does suck that we always jump to the worst conclusion, though.  It's all a part of that worry pattern we inherited.

We are linked to the body and its pain.  That is half of the reason we numb.  They other half is to soothe the psyche that carries the emotional pain of the betrayal of abuse.

As I walked yesterday, I watched my shadow stride along the ground, and the thought returned - It was not supposed to be this hard!  This Earth, this physical experience is supposed to stretch us, but it's not supposed to be this painful.  We are all in pain, we are all so separate.  I just know way down deep, it's not the way it's supposed to be.

We should be able to love each other back to health.  But that means being vulnerable...and allowing someone to love us back...harp, harp, harp...same old crap.

Take a breath and find something to sing about.

My little dog is preparing to transition.  She's not quite in her body any more.  Pretty soon I will be burying her with the other two out back.  This little spaniel has been part of this family for 14 years.  We have had her since she was so small she fit on my hand.  It is beautiful, but awful to release them.  I sat with my hand on my husky as he blew his spirit out.  It was agonizingly beautiful.  Now I have to do it again - to let go.  At the same time a dear friend is releasing her spirit.  She is 93, and she has had an interesting life - so many experiences.  It is time, but we will miss her.  She became a grandma figure to my children.

I am feeling soft.  Like I have no distinct edges.  I know these beloved beings are leaving, and I am staying. 

I love you, my sister...Clare

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