Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mental Turmoil - what's new

Often while cleaning my house, I turn on a TED lecture, really loud, and think while I make my way through the mundane world of dirty dishes and dusty floors.

I love synchronicity.  The right voice, the right off-hand remark, the right page are available and I can't miss it.

So, yesterday TED had a list of talks about life changing thoughts or events.  Listed first was the talk by Jill Bolte Taylor - the address is above.  Jill does brain research and so she had a deeper understanding of what was happening to her as she had a stroke.

I just had an episode where I felt the separation of spirit, soul and body.  Jill described it all beautifully.  Our left brain is soulful, our right brain is spirit-connection.  It was so comforting to have someone else confirm my interpretations of the other night.

(I immediately sent the Taylor talk to my sister, but she already read the book!)

Back to my thoughts about the family gathering.  I am not trying to sway your thoughts.  I trust you to do what is right.  I am exposing my own turmoil.  Every time we have a family gathering, I go though this.  I am so torn about going.  I don't feel like part of the family.  I feel like everyone else fits together better without me.  This time it has been a bit easier.  All of my kids want to go.  They want the memories, the connection with family, a look at their roots.  Granted, they are not getting the full view, but it does give them a sense of belonging to someone.  That is important.

Damn, we are such an unhealthy group to belong to!  But my kids are a bit healthier - am I justifying?  They struggle with alcohol, but there's no sexual abuse.

Youngest is getting up...time for me to start my day.

Love you, Clare

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