Tuesday, March 3, 2015

cortisol poisoning

I didn't know my middle of the night musings connected to the mystics of yore. Pretty cool.

I am happy that you made it home safely.  I am holding my children in the Light, wanting them each to be safe, along with their families.  We are getting snow, hail, sleet, ice rain and then back again.  It is messy here. And the winds are howling...

I was reading a health oriented magazine. There was an article about the signs of aging and what each is connected to.  I was reading through, gauging myself on each.  I got to the page with the crepey skin and bags under the eyes - and there I was!  I looked to see what my imbalance is - and it's too much cortisol.  I have read up on cortisol in the past, but felt it was time to read again.

Too much cortisol in the body leads to the laundry list of old age symptoms - bone density loss, loss of collagen - i.e. wrinkles, loss of short term memory, abdominal weight gain - loss of figure...

Overproduction of cortisol in childhood lowers resilience and increases incidence of mental illness and depression.  I think I even did this to my kids in utero. 

I was reading about eustress and distress and the ways the body has to balance. But it sort of came to me that these two sides - eustress and distress- are much like the mania and depression of bipolar behavior.  Is it possible that this is all tied to stress?

A child who does not feel connected will be in a state of stress - describes the nine of us.  Described my children.

Then I read that calories restriction can lead to  a state of increased cortisol.  It made me think about anorexia and bulimia. Is it possible to be addicted to having too much cortisol and to use foods and behaviors to create a feeling of home?  Can we be addicted to stress?

Also, cortisol overdose depresses thyroid function.  I read, years ago, that trauma impacts and changes thyroid function. Is it cortisol poisoning?

I found a list of ways to turn off the cortisol flood, to possibly go back to a normal state where stress is not normal, to maybe regain some youth. The list included use of magnesium, Omega 3 oils, music, massage, laughing, black tea and dancing.

We're back where we were months ago. I don't laugh.  I don't dance.  I have never had a massage...I need to find ways to laugh.  I need to be touched sometimes.

There is hope, maybe...

Deep in thought...waiting for your insight...

Love and hugs,


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