Thursday, May 8, 2014

There's a net...

You may be on the tightrope, but  S#3 and I have the net.  We're here if you need us.  We may not be able to stop the fall, but we can soften the landing. We're here if your husband or kids need us.  I am willing to listen.

How do your breasts feel today?  Any pain?

And how is the pilot? It still sounds like great fun.

I can sympathize with your husband. As a partner or as a parent, we all wish we could shoulder the burden and the pain of those we love and protect.  It is so damned painful to watch, to be present, and to not be able to do anything.  That is the utmost point of vulnerability...well, maybe almost as vulnerable as the person going through the crisis.  I can't decide which is worse.

I had a chance to explain the all-American CSA to someone from a different country today.  Suddenly, I feel hopeful.  I rediscovered that place where I believe in community and local and sustainable. With my garden, I never join a CSA - but one winter my daughter-in-law and I shared one. It was so amazing to get fresh veggies in February

I am between lessons.  I had the baby last night - she cried for her mama for about an hour and a half before she slumped into sleep on my shoulder.  I couldn't meet you here last night, but I wanted you to know you're on my mind and in my heart.



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