Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Hi Maggie,

My resident granddaughter is getting very bold.  She is pulling herself up on the furniture and cruising.  She sits up and gets around.  She sits right on the edge of the bed, and doesn't seem to notice the danger.  The other day, I could hear that she was waking from her nap. Usually she cries or yells, waiting to be served.  But she was talking to herself.  I went upstairs and found her sitting on the edge of the bed, with her legs dangling over the side.  I think she was considering getting herself down.

I want to tell her - Gravity happens on the edge. But she's learning and all we can do is catch her until she figures it out.

It kind of reminded me of you. You are on the edge.  You are about to birth a new you...a deeper, more faithful, heartfelt, grateful, daring, alive you. And if I am lucky, I'll learn a little.  I don't think I am your support, but thank you for acknowledging me...I love you, too, and, really,  thank you...but I think I am your companion - splashing around in the swamp with you.

I saw a quote once that is perfect for today:

When you have come to the edge of all Light that you know, and you are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen:  There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly.
                                                                                            -Patrick Overton

I am amazed, yet not surprised at all that you are drawing such wonderful healers close to you.  It makes me feel light and secure.

I shared my fantasy of having us all live on the same street so we could run back and forth to each other's homes.  Now I really wish it were true.  I feel frustrated being so far away, not being able to help.

I will be back tomorrow...

Love and hugs,


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