Thursday, May 4, 2017

getting older...

Hi Maggie,

If class is out, does that mean you have a lighter schedule until August?

It is interesting that you noticed light swelling in your ankle before the pop.  The universe does give us warnings if we pay attention.

I have been Quaker-busy.  I am on the committee that grants monies for Friends going to FGC in July. And our meeting is organizing a farewell picnic for the Friend who is leaving. And someone in our meeting is following a leading against industrial meats.  And I am working on exploring permaculture on our nature preserve.

I am sure it is all interconnected.

And it is almost my birthday.  I have a hard time every year. It's not because I am getting older, although I am having a hard time remembering my age!  But I don't like to be the center of the fuss..  After last year, though, it is easier.

This year one of my room-mates from college is coming to visit. On Saturday night we will have dinner with my oldest daughter and youngest son. On Sunday I am making a brunch for a few friends, my youngest, and maybe my middle kid and his family.

It sounds sweet and quiet and intimate.

I remember Grammy said that after you get to a certain age, early adult, you just feel the same - never older or younger. It doesn't seem like you are aging. I kind of feel like that...except my joints are a bit stiffer first thing in the morning.

Oh well...

And, I have been talking to a man in another country for years. well, we stopped for a year and a half, then started up again. We have been practicing setting boundaries. This may be the first time in my life I have been able to note and speak up when a boundary has been crossed.

This is scaring the crap out of me...

Sending love and hugs,


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