Friday, December 2, 2016


You are moving me to tears. I am so attached to my animals- everyone of them is family. I actually trust animals more than I trust humans. If they attack me it is out of survival- not spite.

I am very sorry for your loss. I still feel the loss of my doodle in July. I still miss her being at the door every day when I return…
or looking me in the eye when she wanted to come along…
I feel very sad for you…
but thankful that the physical pain is over.
And you are so close to the veil between worlds…
sit in that space for a bit and just feel.
It is a very special time…
if you allow yourself to sit there.
I've never understood how people can have an animal and not consider it a part of their family. I do not understand why people take on the responsibility and then ignore it. Holding that in the Light.

My youngest just came home - late as usual. His best friend's great-aunt died. He lived with her and his mom. From interactions with his mom I think she is a meth addict. My sons sled if his friend could stay here with us. We did similar things for 2 of my older son's friends…
it worked out well.
I have to think long and hard about this.
Husband will give it an automatic NO…
we just lived through the foster son experience…
it's too much!
I don't know…
I'm touched that my son would ask…
her trusts me enough to ask.
Guidance is needed.
He is a narcissist…but he's my narcissist.

I went to a 'developing your psychic abilities' class last evening with my reiki healer. I, and the others, were not very good at being 'psychic' on demand…
My goal though isn't to do a 'dog and pony show' but to trust the guidance I'm being offered. To not fear outcomes I cannot predict or understand. I want to be open to step forward when way opens. I also asked for protection from others' negative energy. I soak that shit up like a sponge.
So I am learning to work with my abilities…
to train my 'psychic muscles' as the healer described. Have you ever asked your neighbor how she developed her talents and gifts? I'm just curious.

Last week Mama Delana called me to talk about Essiac …
he brother recommended it for Papa. I picked some up at my local store run by a naturopathic doctor and she suggested also using CBD oil. Essiac twice a day on an empty stomach and CBD under the tongue once a day. What do you know or think about that?
I'm going to send it down to them…perhaps you should offer some insight for them.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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