Wednesday, April 13, 2016

selfish or selfless???

Hello sister,

I am "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"…
sorry, my bad, Dad did that when we were little…
gross memory.

Anyway, I feel as if I'm juggling way too much. I've got several projects in various stages of done…
I've got the semester building towards the end…
everyone wants extra credit…
no one cared about their grades up until about 2 weeks ago.

My youngest had a minor car accident on Sunday evening…
funny thing is…
he was grounded…
not supposed to be out…
and he pulled out from a stop sign and got "T-boned"…
luckily no one was hurt…
the car's driver side is damaged pretty badly…
he won't be driving for a few weeks while it is repaired.
Great lesson…
but the bottom line is that now I have to rearrange my schedule to accommodate taking him to school, work, SAT prep, etc…
It's always something.

My work schedule is out of control. My new boss doesn't seem to have clear boundaries about her own work hours, and expects me to be as freely giving of my time too. She chooses to put in overtime on a salary- so no real compensation. I am supposed to be working 8 hours/ week and it is double that, if not more. I told her I was not working tomorrow to catch up on my university work and she seemed surprised. I have to make clear boundaries here, or I'll lose control of my own life.

I am trying desperately to hold onto some semblance of balance in my life. I am vein gulled in many directions and not sure where to cut strings. I have to spend some time looking at each string and making conscious choices. I do believe that once finals week is over I will have relief from that corner. At that point though one of the young men will probably be moving in full time- if all goes as planned. How do I balance that?
How do I transition to that, where am I selfish and where am I selfless?
I'm not sure the answer…
but I've got to remain flexible and adaptable…
that's the key to survival.

last evening I took my youngest to Sling Yoga…
yoga suspended from a lycra swing…
he loved it!
He was pleasantly surprised how much he enjoyed it.
He may even go back with me again…
I'm excited to share it with him.

I'm exhausted. I need some down time. I took the two young men to an indoor arcade last Saturday…
those loud, flashing light places drain me…
I think that's adding to my current energy crisis.
Sleep is good.
Sleep is very good.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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