Tuesday, February 3, 2015

random thoughts

I do believe my sister is on stage tonight. Perhaps her first stage appearance since Oklahoma in high school...I'm not sure.  I suppose I'll have to wait until tomorrow for details.

Hey Maggie,

How are you today?

I thought of another blessing of simplicity.   If we do not overschedule our lives,  we  are available for each other.  The best communications come when we are just together.  Trying to schedule time, to force togetherness - never as successful.

I watched the two TED talks you recommended yesterday.Then because I was there, I watched the talk on Everyday Sexism.  It was powerful. I had many such experiences, apparently being nothing more than a set of boobs to many strangers for many years.  The croning sag rendered me invisible. That is both a relief and a heartbreak.

A few things have really stayed with me. The first was the video about the power of language. I have often remarked that there is a power in language we don't recognize.  I try to be aware of my language. But when the speaker talked about racism being a problem for people of color, and sexism being a problem for women...And then he showed how the passive use of language camouflages the person who really has the problem - my eyes flew open...literally and figuratively.  I really appreciated the message.

In one of the talks, the speaker said,"This is not a battle between the sexes."  I got lost in thoughts of duality.  The lesson of our times seems to be about duality - I've tried to understand this before.  We are taught to recognize good and bad, light and dark - to divide everything into opposites.  We see ourselves as male and female.  But we are all humans. We need each other. We complement each other. This forced duality is really to maintain the power structure.  If we are all one, we can't be divided and conquered...

So, last night I was trying to enter the forest, when I fell asleep.  I dreamed I was a beech tree.  I was standing strong with my arms up and out, in a position of praise.  I felt my branches spread, to reach for the heavens. Then I had the mirror image of my roots doing the same, of reaching down and in to the Earth.  The trunk was a connection, a flow, between heaven and earth.  It was beautiful. Then I noticed my roots, and there was someone hibernating in a womb-like curve of the roots.  I joined them, then wondered - What part of myself is hibernating?  The answer that came, unbidden and unwelcome was - my sexuality.

It got a little cold, and so I woke and went to put a piece of firewood in the woodstove. I grogged back to bed and notices my bedroom in the shadows and thought,  "This room is really square."  I guess being round like a tree really impacted me!

Then I was up at 5:00 for work.  My office window faces west, and I saw the full moon glowing, lighting up the snow...we got a comforter of new snow. I thought of a blanket of snow, but what we have is thicker and comfier.  It is a comforter of snow. 

So my day was off to a gorgeous start!

I certainly hope you are having fun...

Love and hugs from Clare

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