Sunday, May 29, 2016



I am doing a lot of gardening this weekend too. I have a truckload of mulch in my driveway that I've been spreading each day…
about an hour each day…
the gardens look nice. Husband works ahead of me…
weeding and edging…
I mulch and transplant…
it's a good system.
I'm physically exhausted at this point though. My feet hurt the most.

We (my young man and I ) also painted his bedroom a dark, deep blue color. We are going to get some curtains and sheets in beige or creme to lighten it up a bit. He is getting so excited for 6/2. We are all excited to have him arrive full time. I spoke with the younger brother yesterday while we made clay figures…
he's feeling jealous and anxious about the separation…
the staff at the group home feels that the separation will accelerate his progress…
apparently he blames all of his problems on the older brother and assumes no responsibility…
they feel this will make him more accountable for his choices.
He is slowly coming around to us…
trying to interact more…
it takes time and patience.

I am really looking forward to summer break. Waking my youngest for school is a daily stress that I can certainly take a break from. It is a daily battle to get him up and moving before it's too late to make it on time. If he's going to be late we have battles over accountability and excuses for legitimate tardiness- most of the time there is no legitimate excuse so he gets detention.

I am trying to figure out how to scan people from a distance to detect physical or emotional problems…
It's supposed to be possible with the reiki 2 attunement.
I've been trying to sense how a former client of mine is doing…
a woman that I continue to worry about from my counseling practice.
When I scan I get nothing…
what worries me the most is that she was suicidal near the end of our time together…
I hope she didn't end her life.
She lived through hell and was re-living it every day through flashbacks.
I will continue to try.

I continue to send you reiki energy…
You are a daily intention.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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