Wednesday, November 11, 2015

ready for the next step.


Tai chi would be a great outlet for you. I just finished the book, The Body Keeps the Score. What a fabulous book. I am collecting books to share with you, I think I'll put this one in the box. The antidote to trauma, particularly the "freeze" reaction is movement…
tai chi,
martial arts…
movement reconnects the brain synapses disrupted by terror.
In fight or flight the body pro-actively moves to protect…
in freeze the body holds onto to the terror, helplessness, hopelessness…
movement is the antidote.

I really feel inspired to work on trauma programs now…
I had an idea called "Healing Hearts"…
group work incorporating movement, sharing, community working together to heal our hearts.
I've got to get through this course…
at least a little more of it to better plan.
I invision counseling, yoga, deep massage, reiki, and other modalities to treat trauma victims.
I even have friends who do all of those modalities…
so we can become colleagues.

I saw my reiki friend today…
she told me to expect to become intuitive in the near future.
She sees my third eye chakra expanding due to the work that I am doing…
and the others will expand as well to maintain balance.
I can't wait to see what this feels like.
I told her about the shift in my counseling since spring…
more listening and offering words that come from the still, small voice…
she predicted more of that and other experiences.
I'm excited.
I am ready for the next step.
I told her about my neck pain that resolved after I admitted to myself that I was worried about wasting my potential…
she told me that that should not be a concern…
"The universe has plans for you."

I will travel with you to France if you ever are able to go. I feel an affinity and draw to the southern region…
I went so far as to find an ancient farmhouse for rent, by the month, in the Provence area this past summer…
I have it bookmarked just in case the opportunity arises.

I hope that you find peace in your night time journeys…
I'm not sure how to describe them.
I'm fascinated to hear about them though.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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