Sunday, August 23, 2015

swamp status

Hi Maggie,

We're both here at once. Nice!!  And...I found the notebook!!

It is interesting that you told Mom are not Christian.  I am not Christian, and that is why I am not interested in going to evangelical events. 

I would love to see Brene Brown though.

In the interest of full disclosure, S#3 called me a few hours ago and told me about the Brene event.  She told me that you bought me a ticket.  Thank you for thinking of me.  That means so much.  And thank you for your generosity and loving-kindness. She also reminded me that she asked, last year, if I wanted to go to this weekend's event. I respectfully declined, then forgot.  So I was invited...

All of the things you listed...those are the reasons I didn't want to go.

I wanted to mention an article I found in the co-op before I lose the little magazine.  There is a reflection followed by a three page long poem.  I played with the idea of copying it all, but I'm too lazy.  Instead, I think I'll send it to you and lift an important piece for here.

The article was by a woman named Maya Cooper. She wrote about how a friend's sharp words affected her.  After being hurt, she decided to sit with the hurt feelings.  She saw her patterns and energy and realized she triggered her friend. Her friend took on he role of giving voice to her inner patterns and inner films...The friend was actually serving her. 

Reading it seemed to open something in me.  I found myself thinking about who we are to each other and how we gift each other.

Anyway, the article was followed by the  poem.  One little bit jumped out and grabbed me.

in the dampest,
darkest reaches of my disconnect
in the breathless,
pace of my ignorance
lie still, stagnant, secret black pools of pain

(Seeking Atonement, Maya Cooper)

I read with wonder and delight, because she found pools, rather than a whole swamp. I felt such hope, such potential, such possibility!  We can dry the swamp...little by little, it can cease to be.

And I wondered about the state of our swamp - our individual swamps, as well as our clan swamp.

Enough for tonight. I will be back tomorrow. My daughter has changed shifts and so I won't have the baby as often any more.  It is a bittersweet change.

Love to you, have fun at school...

Love and hugs from Clare

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