Monday, August 10, 2015

being moved


I sat in Meeting yesterday putting together several experiences and felt a shift in my understanding.

I spoke…
telling the story of my zip lining experiences.
Two years ago I zipped with 3 ladies…
one who is a dear Friend/friend.
As we drove home I commented that the zips and obstacles are a metaphor for life…
sometimes it is easy and exhilarating- the zips…
and sometimes it takes courage and fortitude to take each and every step- the obstacles.
The newer understanding was relating a June trip to the same place with my children.
My youngest and oldest took on the course fearlessly…
walking across wires without holding ropes…
sloth crawling across ropes…
trust falling backwards off a platform…
My younger daughter had more fear…
And I had to focus my resolve on conquering my fear, making myself step onto every challenge.
I came to realize that I had raised these kids right…
especially my youngest…
he trusts and is willing to try new things…
and relishes the experience.
One challenge demonstrated this well.
It was a tight wire, 2 inches thick, with one rope attached to the starting platform…
While they walked without holding the rope straight across…
I chose to cling to the rope, shifting my balance towards the rope…
causing me to lose balance and fall…
which them required my use of core strength to right myself back onto the wire.
I realized we have given him a beautiful gift- trusting the universe…
where we are is safe and appropriate…
and trust in ourselves to handle the situations.
I'm not going crazy and believing he is making all the right decisions…
but his approach to life is so different from mine

I spoke of living without fear and anxiety…
trusting the universe, the Light to guide us to each experience.
My friend was also there.
after several minutes she completed the story from her perspective.
She spoke of balance and inner strength necessary for the zip course and for life.
It was a beautiful message.

So, I 've had a small opening…
a slight paradigm shift…
thank you universe.

I hope that you are having fun on the West Coast with your family.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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