Friday, April 20, 2012

Does 'normal' exist?

The bike dream is intriguing. I have heard that vehicle dreams are symbolic for life transitions...your dream bodes for hopeful life transitions. The attempting and accomplishing of a previously unattainable goal is incredibly optimistic. The fact that you had the couarge and stamina to even attempt is wonderful. The ending, when it gets easier, me great hope.

I listened to multiple research reports by fellow MSW candidates this past week. I was amazed by the magnitude and scope of the problem of abuse (physical, mental and sexual). I was reminded of some of the consequences for the survivors of childhood abuse; depression and other affective disorders, eating disorders, suicide, addiction.

You talk of the eating to numb. Food is addicting...fasting is addicting. Anorexics control their intake, attempting to make themselves as small and un-noticable as possible. Overeaters attempt to make their bodies as unattractive as possible to ensure that no one will pay attention (at least positive attention). The body fat 'insulates' them from the pain of the world. Appetites are in to hunger makes you weak. In reality it is just food, nourishment, a necessity for life.

I am left wondering, after hearing so many staggering statistics this week, does 'normal' exist? One of my most successful personality traits is that I can adapt. I am a chameleon. When I enter a situation I quickly scan and assess, then I can present my strongest, most appropriate persona for that situation. It is me, but an adaptation of me. The real me remains hidden, silent, lonely. I am curious how many people are truely who they project. I am wondering what that world would look like if we all were just honestly, openly ourselves.

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