Sunday, August 20, 2017

I cannot imagine

I am back. We returned yesterday...
knowing our oldest was going to be proposed to.
So instead of settling into home we continued the party/vacation.
My daughter is thrilled to be taking the next step with her love. We are happy to see them so content.
My family was gathered, except for the youngest, as was my future S-I-L's family (munis their youngest). It was a really special time for all of us.

Today was a day for cleaning, laundry, mowing...trying to get reconnected with home.
My puppy is back. He is asleep at my feet, exhausted from a week with his brother and nonstop romping.

My trip was long, eye opening, and exhaustingly invigorating. I slept in a different city/state most nights and many did not know where that would be until we all got tired. We had some wonderful times and made memories along the way. Both of my sons drove west with me. The older agreed to come along to help with driving and to find a little adventure. He was wonderful company. It is such a night-and-day difference from 3 short years ago. My younger son was thrilled, scared, anxious, excited- all at the same time. He was patient and thankful for the time we spent together, but really just wanted to be at school and get his feet wet.

He had two days of classes- the he enjoyed- and then went on a "team building" camping trip with his college. He reports that there wasn't much excitement over the trip, but I think the experience did a lot to calm him and help him to settle in. He seems more balanced.

I had many experiences along the road, It's hard to single out a few to describe. I am not sure of my lessons from the road, except to say that I was captivated by the beauty of this earth. That sense of enchantment left me deeply saddened by the destruction it is facing. We were listening to an article on the radio about "mass extinctions" and observing the majesty of the earth. Humans squander what is good for what is easy. I cannot imagine what this earth looked like prior to human domination...what beauty that must have been.

It is good to meet you back here.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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